Every room has a Keurig Coffee Maker with a wide variety of coffees and teas available for your enjoyment.
Free WiFi
Be disconnected to VACATE from your routine... ....or connect for free.
Comfortable Rooms
Largest rooms in the area and the bedrooms and bathrooms have been completely remodeled. The sheets and beds are amazingly comfortable giving you a night of relaxation and comfort. Just what the doctor ordered!!
Pets Welcome
We love pets. Just register (there's a needed $45 Pet cleaning fee) and please make sure your pet is never left unattended so as not to disturb the other guests. We're pretty sure the other guests don't want to hear a barking/howling friend.
Kitchens and Kitchenettes
The Double Queen Kitchenette, the Upstairs Suite, and the Downstairs Suite, as well as our 3 bedroom Farmhouse are just fabulous accommodations with all the comforts of home. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised.
Picnic Areas
Dining, Music, Bars and more.
Renowned Jeremy's on the Hill is On-Site Wynola Pizza & Bistro and California Mountain Baker are just across the street and much more is a short walk away.